Your child is ready to fast. He has reached the age of mental discrimination (tamyeez), understands what constitutes a worship, and is able physically to tolerate fasting, so how do you help your child fast?
1- It starts before Ramadan! It starts by building excitement for the month before it arrives. This can be done by talking to him about the merits and importance of this month and the big reward of fasting, and by some physical actions like decorating the house including the child’s bedroom for the arrival of this blessed month and by doing a countdown to Ramadan. You can find lot of DIY Ramadan decorations in our Free Printables section.
2- Long days or not, most children are going to nag and complain when they are fasting. Listen to him or her, acknowledge their feelings, and explain to them that there is a certain degree of hardship with fasting, and that we need to be patient to get the big reward. Encourage the child by reading to him some ahadeeth about fasting. Tell him that the Prophet said that for the one who fasts there are two instances of joy: one when he breaks his fast, and one when he gets the reward for that action after he dies.
3- Make your child busy with engaging activities, reading, coloring, including helping in some chores around the house suitable to the child’s age.
4- Help him prepare something he likes for iftar. For example, children can mix the batter for cupcakes then put their chosen toppings after baking. Let them help with topping a pizza. Everybody love one!
5- Let him take a bath in the afternoon. Scholars said this is a liked matter since it energizes the one who is fasting.
6- Help your child chronicle the day he fasted using a personal calendar. This will boost his sense of achievement and encourage him to continue fasting. You can also use a Ramadan Good Deeds Calendar from our Ramadan Free Printables section.
7- Keep your child around fasting children. This will act as a positive peer pressure and support group; and allow them to have iftar together at times.
8- Finally, at the end of Ramadan, remember your child with a special gift in recognition of his fasting during Ramadan. Also, at the end of this blessed month go over what your child had done in Ramadan with him or her, and if the child fasted, tell him that God is the One who guides us and enables us to fast and do the good deeds. Going over his/her achievements for this year might help your child do more next year. You can download a certificate for the end of Ramadan from the printables section on our website.
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