
Muhammad My Guiding Light محمّد سراجي المنير is a glimpse into the beautiful character and daily practices of Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him. It is designed to help children (and even adults) develop a personal connection to the Prophet’s noble qualities by understanding his actions, words, and way of life.

Through simple yet profound examples, it showcases his generosity, humility, kindness, great manners, and unwavering focus on worshipping Alläh.

We encourage you to use this booklet as an opportunity to share stories, reflect together, and inspire your children to follow in his footsteps. The descriptions here are not just for learning but for living—serving as a guide to build good character, appreciate simplicity, and prioritize the spiritual over the material.

Each page features the same text written in both Arabic and English, allowing readers to compare and enjoy the content in both languages side by side.

May Alläh bless our families with love for the Prophet and the ability to emulate his qualities.

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Arabic, English




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