What is above us?

Teach your Child about the space!


During the Night of Al-Mi’Raj, the Prophet ascended to the skies( heavens) on an extraordinary stairway that is veiled from us called Al-Mirqat.


Skies are solid bodies just like the earth. Space above us does not consist of only stars and planets. In addition to creating planets, God created skies above them. The first sky ( which is that blue thing we see when we look up and there are no clouds) then the second sky …until the seventh, each is separated from the other by a large distance, and each one is bigger than the one below it. Both the planets that we see and the ones hidden from us, are small bodies in comparison to the skies. The first sky alone, after which are six other skies each separated from the other by a large distance and all having a size is so vast that only Allah knows it, is multiple times more massive than this earth. In this first sky there is a door for repentance, meaning the angels of mercy ascend to it with the repentance of repenters. Every time a person repents from a sin, they take or deliver that repentance to this door. The Prophet, peace upon him, said about this door that its width is the traveling distance of seventy years. This was narrated by Ahmad, at-Tirmidhiyy, an-Nasaiyy, and at-Tabaraniyy. Above the seventh heaven, there is Paradise, and above Paradise, there is the Throne, which is the biggest creation in size. Some scholars mentioned that the distance between this earth to the Throne is 25,000 years.

Indeed, we have seen little of God’s creations.
God honored Prophet Muhammad during the night of the Ascension ( Al- Mi’raj) by making him see the wondrous creations of the upper world.